Day 1 – It’s not about me

In one of my previous posts, one of the things noted to overcome spiritual apathy was doing the things you did at first. When I first began to believe, I remember being overwhelmed with awe. It was as though a light switch had went off and my heart, my mind, my soul knew and believed in God and in His great love for us demonstrated in Jesus dying for us.

I remember 3 books/ devotionals in particular that really expedited my faith and gave me a deeper understanding of who God is and what life lived for him is all about:

  1. (since then revised) Every Day with Jesus for New Christians by Selwyn Hughs []
  2. The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren []
  3. Secrets of the Secret Place by Bob Sorge []

In the fight to overcome this spiritual apathy, I’ve decided to revisit The Purpose Driven life. 40 days of (re)exploring God’s purpose in creating me, of rediscovering What on earth am I here for?

40 days of taking my eyes off of me

And it’s right there where the book begins, day 1: It’s not about me.

A hard pill to swallow when the world will have you believing otherwise in our ever more individualistic culture and society. “Do you boo”, “be your best you”, “the answers lie within you”, etc. etc. etc.

We didn’t create ourselves, so how can we tell ourselves what we were made for?

above and below, visible and invisible
Got started in Him [God]
& finds its purpose in Him.

Colossians 1:16

It’s not about me and my goals, my to-do’s, my desires. It’s not about material things, climbing the success ladder, retiring at 35. No way, life is much much bigger than that. It is all about HIM. It is all about God. He made me. He designed me. He fashioned me — all with His purpose in mind.
It’s not about me.

A Life devoted to things is a dead life, a stump; a God-shaped life is a flourishing tree.

Proverbs 11:28

Lord, thank You for this time spent with You today. Thank you for bringing me back to the basics, right back to the very start of knowing who and what it is all about. It’s all about You Lord. Forgive me for my selfishness, forgive me for my attempts of using You to fulfill my wishes and earthly desires for comfort and material success. Help me to see beyond what I can see and to live for You and for the purposes for which you designed and created me.

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